Each month, as part of MOJO Magazine's brain-tickling crossword, we set an anagram for readers to work out. If you have an issue to hand and think you've solved the conundrum then just click the relevant link below. Good luck!
MOJO 378
Think you know the answer to this month’s crossword anagram? CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
MOJO 377
Think you know the answer to this month's crossword anagram? CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
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If you think you know the name of this month's mystery musician, then CLICK HERE for your chance to win!
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Completed this month's crossword and think you know the anagram? Just CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
MOJO 374
Have you solved this month's crossword anagram in the magazine? The CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win.
MOJO 373
If you think you know the name of this month's mystery musician, then CLICK HERE for your chance to win!
MOJO 372
Completed this month's crossword and think you know the anagram? Just CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
MOJO 371
If you think you've cracked this month's crossword anagram then CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
MOJO 370
Think you know the answer to this month's crossword anagram? CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
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If you've completed this month's crossword and think you know the anagram then simply CLICK HERE to enter for your chance to win!
MOJO 368
If you think you've cracked this month's crossword anagram then just CLICK HERE for your chance to win!
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Have you filled in this month's crossword and cracked the anagram? Then CLICK HERE to enter!
MOJO 366
Got this month's anagram? Then just CLICK HERE for your chance to win!
MOJO 365
If you think you know the name of this month's mystery musician, then CLICK HERE for your chance to win!
MOJO 364
Think you've cracked it? Then CLICK HERE to enter!
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Got the answer? Then just CLICK HERE to enter for your change to win a fabulous prize!